Welcome to Morley Stanwood Elementary
Dedicated to providing an education that will inspire students to become lifelong learners
Student Resources
Parent Resources
Upcoming Events
14 Feb
NO SCHOOL - Staff PDDate: Feb 14Calendar: District Calendar
17 Feb
NO SCHOOLDate: Feb 17Calendar: District Calendar
School Board Meeting 6:30 PM to 9:00 PMSchool Board MeetingDate: Feb 17Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PMCalendar: District Calendar
17 Mar
School Board Meeting 6:30 PM to 9:00 PMSchool Board MeetingDate: Mar 17Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PMCalendar: District Calendar
20 Mar
Family ART / READING Night 5:00 PM to 7:00 PMFamily ART / READING NightDate: Mar 20Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PMCalendar: Elementary
31 Mar
NO SCHOOL - Spring Breakthru Apr 4NO SCHOOL - Spring BreakDate: Mar 31 - Apr 4Calendar: District Calendar
Principal's Note
Morley Stanwood Elementary has an exceptional staff committed to ensuring that your child receives a quality education in a supportive, safe and nurturing environment. It is our goal that all children will be successful learners and reach their potential.
My name is John Nawrot, Principal at MS Elementary. Amy Rose and Sue Sarkozi are my secretaries in the office. Tara Lovejoy is our building social worker.
MS Elementary houses preschool through fifth grade and serves approximately 460 students. The school day for students is 8:05am to 3:10pm. The school building opens at 7:55am for student drop-off.
Our Elementary PTO is always looking for new members with new ideas. It provides a wonderful service to the children by having movie nights, popcorn Fridays, roller skating nights, and raising funds for additions to our building and classrooms.
The staff at MS Elementary are hard-working and dedicated to making a difference in your child's life.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (231) 856-7684.
Educationally yours,
John Nawrot, Principal
Morley Stanwood Elementary
School Hours: 8:05am to 3:05pm
Student Drop Off: 7:45am